BodyMindSoulThink positive…. NONSENSE

21 July 2020

‘Think positive’

^^ A pound every time I hear that would be a nice little earner 🤣🙄

I wrote about it last week, but hey I could write about it every day

Think positive is what people think upgrading your mindset is all about

But its not what mindset is all about.

There are a huge amount of the population out there fed up, exhausted and demoralised from trying to be positive about everything.

Some things aren’t positive – End of.

Sure we can look at things in more useful ways, and sure there are better ways to think about things

But our need to make everything positive for people hinders more than it helps

It’s like having an empty tank of petrol and sticking a smiley face over it

Your tank is still empty and that isn’t going away

It’s why I took the word positive out of our coaching and swapped it up for ‘useful’

I find it hard to take myself seriously talking to someone having their life ripped apart and me coming up with

‘What’s the positive in this?’ 🙄

And so what can the answer be..

Well to feel slightly better is always within reach for all of us.

And it really is the feeling that counts

Trying to think positive when you feel awful about something isn’t going to work

Emotion is king – It decides whether or not the info coming in is relevant or not

If you feel crap each day and keep telling yourself ‘today is a good day’

Your emotions win.

So the key is to feel better first.

And that is where stuff like breathing and meditation comes in.

It calms the mind, allows you to shift to better emotions

And in turn the ‘self talk’ can start to sink in

Feeling first my friend.

I’m looking forward to teaching this in the 7 day mind upgrade

See you there maybe
