I got attacked by a Badger the other night
Ok maybe ‘attack’ is a bit strong, but it shocked the life out of me
There I was walking through the field with Milo, and it was pretty damn late, cloudy, raining and getting dark..
So walking up a path in between the long grass, I can hear Milo barking and a real thudding coming towards me
Milo I thought
Wrong answer
This bloody badger is tanking it towards me, literally got about 5 feet from me and darted in to the hedge
Massive thing it was 🤣
Now I see a lot of badgers because they come feed in the field behind me
But man I didn’t realise how quick they can shift, and fair play if it came down to me against him I don’t fancy my chances
Got me thinking about life though.
Things pop out the blue all the time for folks, there you are walking along and all of a sudden life can hit us.
Catch us unaware, unprepared
Our time here is full of so much we can’t control.
The only thing we can control is our response to those things – That is truly where our power lies..
Easier said than done of course.
But still.
It’s easier when you have some understanding of HOW to do it.
One of the 30 day crew said this in her post about her 30 days
My favourite bit about being a part of this process is;
learning techniques which I can carry forward the rest of my life.
How cool is that. Knowing you have some stuff you can do to help you move forward
I always take great pride knowing we have helped hundreds upon hundreds of people come through difficult patches as best as they can
And it always comes down to practical and effective skills.
Want some?