BodyMindSoulI think these bad boys are done and dusted don’t you?

28 July 2020

We’ve had some good times, many a walk together
but finally they are relegated to knocking about
the garden 🤣

^^Laughing at my own joke there.

They had their final outing Saturday night where
me and my best pal Tommy Phillips walked
the hills for a few hours non stop

It wasn’t supposed to be non stop to be fair,
we were mean to have a quick beer at the
halfway mark but the pub was shut

And this picture is the only memory I have
of that walk

No shots of the hills

None of Milo

No route tracking

All that was forgotten as we just walked and talked
non stop for hours..

What does this have to do with you?

Well he is a top notch coach (got him to agree to come
on the lockdown live which is brilliant)

And we always end up talking about coaching and the
industry as a whole

We are both pretty Anti the industry on times

And talking how a lot of stuff is just reactive, plaster sticking
kinda stuff that ends up cool for a while but is never that
affective in the long run..

The Mindset game is like that

A lot of the ‘cool’ stuff gets us nowhere

And what really gets us places is a commitment to
mastering the basics..

Like these trainers.


Gets the job done..

Can you breathe/meditate daily and effectively
Journal useful things
Hydrate early
Sleep better
Move more
Practice being present
Find compassion for yourself
Stop fighting with what you can’t change

All simple basic things that when done consistently,
can get people a long way..