I was chatting on an Academy feed the other night about feeling stuck and lost
And how one of the worst places to be is to know deep down you could have more or be more
And yet mentally keep talking yourself out of it
THAT really used to get me
And yeah I know folks say dropping the need to be more is what needs to happen
But reading it again consider there is a difference between needing to be more and have more to be happy
Wanting to be more – because it’s what you feel drawn and pulled to.
I read a quote a while back that said
‘It takes a huge amount of courage to make your mind the servant of your heart’
“Reckless” you may think
Because we get caught up in the hollywood version of the heart, that leads to wild passion fuelled actions with big risk
When in this case it’s referring to that knowing deep down of what you can be or what you want. That pull that nudges us, saying come on, go for this.
And knowing you want different but never pursuing it is a hard place to be isn’t it
And what stops us?
Getting caught up in our thinking, the fear based thinking, the same old patterns of thinking that lead us here
Fear of failure. Rejection. Disapproval. Negative self talk, lack of Belief
When I talk about a free mind
I mainly mean
To be FREE of our mind. Where all that gets created ^^
So we can use it to create what we want, not allow it to convince us we have to do what it says
And one of the first places to go with that is to create what we call coherence
A balance between body, mind and heart
A step that allows us to see behind the Veil of our thinking and make better more confident choices
Because we can.