On last weeks Lockdown live we got asked a great question about emotions
I went off on one a little (in a non ranty way)
Because if something needs to change pronto in mental health it’s the whole
good vs bad emotions thing..
We kind of make it out like this
Good emotions
Etc etc
Bad Emotions
Etc etc
But the reality is there are no good or bad emotions, they all serve a point in the appropriate situation and amount
Some things are sad – some happy
Some things are frustrating or nerve wracking, some calming and joy giving
Label something bad and you know that it ends up generating more power
I stopped thinking in terms of good or bad emotions years ago and started using useful or unuseful
Mainly because it’s exhausting trying not to feel things
What we resist persists, as they say.
** Just look at what happens with ‘Bad’ foods we only want more
And if there is one thing that really used to do my head in was the whole thing around men opening up.
Men have a huge suicide rate which we generally put down to not opening up about being down
Want more people to open up?
Then lets take away this new scale we seem to have which is
Acceptable VS Unacceptable emotions
Stop creating a society that is unaccepting of ‘bad’ emotions like anger, frustration, resentment, bitterness
Take them off the ‘banned’ list
Its ok to be sad and upset and anxious –
But don’t dare be angry etc that’s not acceptable
Even worse some people put those down as masculine traits and like to suppress their role in life completely
But we are all human beings who will experience the totality of the emotional spectrum
Wholeness (what most people want) comes from accepting not suppressing
And from a place of acceptance pretty much all emotions will stop controlling our actions, and we generate a lot more choice
We go from absorbed in them to observing them
And it all boils down to our relationship with WHAT we feel not HOW we feel
One that can be improved by embracing every emotion
Not just the ones that society seems to have “OK’d”