MindUncategorisedThe one thing we should all be doing for a Free Mind and Happier Life…

13 November 2020


Read this if you want less stress, worry and anxiety in your life


Whenever I run a Q&A I’ll get a lot of questions from folks looking for the one thing.

You know what I mean? The magic pill, the magic bullet. The tip to end all our woes

And I get it, after all I was asking those same questions years ago, because when you are struggling

or want more out of life we start to get a bit desperate for results fast.


Hey, that’s why the diet industry is so big and people buy crappy coffee and stuff thinking that is the missing link

to your body goals 🙄 but I digress, lets get back to the matter at hand.


I wrote a post the other day in our Academy talking about who I’d worked with over the last 10 years, just in my own development.

Courses, programs, mentorships and stuff like that

And to be fair it read like a who’s who, covering top experts in breathing, meditation, neuroscience, stress, anxiety, coaching

You name it I at some point I explored it.


And it was all incredible in its own way, but I found when I took the best bits of all of it and laid it out in a progressive system,

well that’s when Unbreakable was born and our methods and training started to flourish.

Thousands of people later and a 90%  + success rate in drastically reducing Anxiety, Stress and negative thinking the Unbreakable

Mind Method is going from strength to strength.


What’s my point? Well ultimately there is no one thing coming to save you, its a few skills you need


However if you are looking for one thing to do then here is the one place anyone should start if you want to feel.

Less overwhelm and more calm

Less frustrated more creative,

Less lost and more purposeful.


In a nutshell if you are tired of existing and each day feeling like you are barely keeping up then this is the place to start


Get out of survival mode


Seriously. This is where we start anyone who works with us.

So what is survival mode?

Survival mode is all the emotions we generally don’t like dominating us. Anxiety, worry, stress, frustration, anger, irritability.

Basically all those stressed states.


And reports point to the modern human living in  survival for roughly 70% of our lives,

which is crazy don’t you think?

Now before we start to knock stress, lets remind ourselves stress come in two forms the one that encourages us to grow,

and the one that just eats us alive, and breaks us down.

Survival states are the latter.

There is nothing on this planet that is going to last through prolonged states of survival.


Survival states make us look for more problems, they encourage us to fight, flight or freeze,

they drain our energy, stop us thinking straight, and as you will know if you experience it daily

they stop you from living and leave you exhausted.


I know i’ve been there – Waking up already with those feelings in the pit of your stomach or in your chest,

battling the mind each day, falling in to bed knackered but struggling to sleep knowing tomorrow is coming with more of the same.


And so your number one starting step is to get out of survival states as much as possible


Except many of the methods you have been taught, or we tend to use to start changing the way we think or feel actually just make it worse.

We end up adding more stress on top of our already stressful lives.


We feel unhappy so set huge commitments and goals that pile more stress on top of us

We feel unmotivated so we use the power of accountability or publicly shaming ourselves in to action

We feel anxious so we decide we have to keep attacking things head on each day


We basically take the treadmill of life we are struggling to stay on and ramp it up a few notches

in the hope that making it faster brings more out of me,


The trouble is that we aren’t capable of more yet, we have no foundation to rely on,

and the fear of falling off the back is only keeping you going for so long


Even tactics like the relentless amounts of cardio people do now, for a huge amount of folks it just wears them out,

yeah at the time it feels good, but when it wears off we’re left tired, irritable

and in constant need of some kind of stimulus to make us feel better


So getting out of survival for most people isn’t going to happen from ramping up the intensity and challenge.

It sounds cool on social media talking about it, but the reality is it’s unsustainable for most.

So what can you be doing to get out of survival and start living again?


Find an appropriate challenge level and keep stuff simple.


Sounds logical,  but how often is that done?

.regarded as the expert on peak performance found that if you want to make progress, stay engaged etc then your challenges

need to slightly outweigh your skills

Too big you end up anxious and overwhelmed, too small you end up bored and procrastinating.

Google experts went one step further and found that the key was to do roughly 4% more than you are now.


So next time you feel crap and decide you need to do something keep in mind that it needs to start simple,

that there is no benefit to creating massive goals and targets that overwhelm you and stress you out

YOU are simply at that point adding stress to stress and that is never helping.


TIP: One of the first places to start is in building a simple and solid routine to your morning and night. Start there and build from that


Improve our coherence


What the hell is coherence well we’re going to call it the opposite of survival.

Its that nice balanced state where we feel the more elevated emotions.

The Heart Math Institute are the experts here.


If you can practice creating more coherence on a daily basis through breathing in certain ways then you will

have more energy, more resilience, sleep better, feel calmer and clearer

and just be way more in control of your choices.


I can back this up, the last 500 people to go through our program fill in feedback forms and  90% + of them report drastic decreases

in Anxiety, Stress and negative thinking. And we use a whole lot of coherence techniques.


TIP: We have a free Audio download that guides you in to creating cohernace, leaving you calmer, more in control, more energised and clearer.

Tap below and get your copy delivered straight to your inbox





Change our stress reactions and habits – notice our patterns 


Want to stop feeling stressed, overwhelmed, worried and all that other stuff?

Consider that for most of us we get there through gradual build ups each day,

the old death by a thousand papercuts scenario

where we keep responding (even if just in our head) to everything going on around us in a stressful way.

Noticing this, slowing down (again use your breathing here) and easing out of that emotional reaction is GOLD

because it stops that drain and even better it helps forms some more useful stress responses and who doesn’t want that.


TIP: Watch your inner dialogue you will surprised how much you do this just not out loud. Once you notice start

to shift your awareness with the breathing technique from above ^^


Remove and close open energy accounts 


What’s an energy account I hear you say?

In simple terms just imagine your brain is an internet browser.

When someone annoys you, you open up a tab,

when something frustrates you then you open up another, then you start to worry about something in the future so you open up another,

(don’t forget the ones that you opened up in your past either)

Now we like to think these things don’t drain us just because we aren’t on that tab now,

but like any computer if you keep hundreds of tabs open they eventually take up too much space ,and you end

up with a slow crappy computer


Most of us are walking about like this all day. Tabs open everywhere and even worse we keep adding to them.

We open up that frustrated tab with someone, and now we just keep adding to it all day and week,

until eventually frustration is all we can see and feel.

We have to learn to shut tabs down, let go of things, and remove stored energy.

And that is where once again the power of coherence comes in, because using logic to solve this problem isn’t going to work.

We’ve all had an argument with someone, made up after a chat but not been able to let go of the emotion around it deep down.

That is where we need to work on coherence. It pushes out incoherent survival emotions.


TIP: One of the best ways to clear up open accounts without getting in to the nitty gritty is to start finishing all the small

unfinished tasks we have floating about our mind taking up space




Get some sleep. Seriously that is all I have on that.

The better you sleep and the more control you have over your usage of phones,

internet and all rest of it the better your energy levels all round.


Studies show consistently that the more media time we spend over 2 hours per day the bigger the spikes in anxiety, stress, worry, depression etc


TIP: Most of us don’t sleep because our brain is too active.

Some simple breathing techniques pre bed will help you sleep deeper and wake fresher.

Its well worth having a cut off time for social media at night and a turn on time the next day to protect your energy


And so what can you do?


1 – Keep your challenges simple, slightly above your skills and progress from there your emotions will tell you where you are on the scale

2 – Build a solid foundation of Coherence training in to your day. Get a free audio delivered to your messenger by clicking HERE

3 – Notice your patterns of stress. Aim to slow down and ease out of that. Just aiming to do that will help

4 – Close some tabs down and shut off some open loops

5 – Get a better night time routine

6 – Have media boundaries, especially around key times like when you wake up and go to bed


Start ticking some of those off and you will spend far less time in those awful survival states,

feel happier, calmer and have the energy to create change.