Confidence is a funny old thing..
The usual way we look to find it is from looking at our wins and achievements
And that’s one part of it for sure
But I honestly think that the last few years I have come to see that confidence has to be gained from what can’t be taken from us
‘Never Judge a man by what can be taken from him’
Is a quote I like.
And it’s true.
The inner confidence in knowing who we are, what we are about, accepting ourselves
I think for me that is the true confidence.
And it makes us a little bullet proof..
A lot of the reasons we look for confidence is to deal with others opinions and stuff like that
Well they tend to hurt when we attach to them and question that they may actually be true
Or when we allow some feedback to turn in to a personal attack on us
Inner confidence allows us to see all that for what it is
Much like when we fail at something.. inner confidence doesn’t allow that to make us a failure
It’s amazing how attached we all are to the external stuff
And an easy way to tell is looking at what causes our self worth and emotions to fluctuate
Does it fluctuate depending on what others think and say to us
On the results and success we see
The money in our bank
The way our body looks
If my self worth and confidence rises and falls in line with those things
Then maybe they have mastered me rather than me having mastered myself
Observe and see what happens, it’s interesting for sure