If there is one reason we all love to throw about for not being able to do stuff it’s time
I’m just as bad
I never have time for the stuff I don’t see as important
And that sentence probably tells us all we need to know about why we don’t make time for stuff
We don’t see it as important.
There are other reasons no doubt
We try and do too much
I speak to folks who don’t have time to get free of the constant stress and overwhelm derailing their lives
But it’s usually because you are trying to go from the busiest person on the planet
To some kind of Modern day Monk with a new 4 hour morning routine
So yeah, a lot of the time we think we don’t have time because we are trying to do way too much
And worse still we think we have to do massive amounts of things to see some improvement
When really 10-20 minutes of stuff with the best of intentions to really slow down is all we need
Walk the dog more aware
Drink our tea more aware
Drive our car more aware
Eat our lunch more aware
Sounds mad but things like that make a big difference
And we all have time to do that
And if we don’t… well it undoubtedly comes down to point one
Maybe we don’t see it as important
Or shall we say
We don’t see ourselves as important
Which is a shame. After all we don’t tend to value our health or wellbeing until its not there
And that sucks
Keeping it simple and valuing ourselves..
Taking time to slow down in the things we already do
Not a bad start if you are too busy