I was doing one of my ‘Walk and Talk’ videos over on facebook Monday..
Talking stress, mainly because stress is on the rise for sure
And I get it… there is a lot going on and a lot of uncertainty for a lot of folks
But seriously now. you only have to look at social media
Its seems that a lot of folks are just looking to be upset
Looking for fault in everything
Mistrusting anyone and anything
Jumping to conclusions
Getting abusive
^^ i observed all that on the comments section for a bloody Tumeric Shot
health drink 😂🤣
But anyways like I said on the video we like to follow the following logic
This thing is stressing me out.
When its not there I won’t be stressed anymore
Except we will be.
Because stress won’t disappear when the situation does..
Months of thinking stressed, months of feeling stressed
That lingers..
stress becomes one of our default habits, we start to react in stressful patterns to more and more things
And that pattern will continue after the ‘thing’ has gone
Much like your body doesn’t morph in to that of an adonis when you eat your first heathy meal
Your stress patterns don’t disappear on the first day you have nothing to worry about
If anything your brain is now geared to find more stressful things so we end up finding something
What’s my point?
We can’t keep waiting for a better time
We have to make the time a little better
And I know things right now can be CRAP and painful
But for better times to come we have to shift to slightly better FIRST
Slightly less stressed, slightly less unhappy, slightly less overwhelmed, slightly less pained
So this is a polite reminder that better times don’t come until we make slightly better “NOW”s